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Leaders Federation
4-H Leaders Federation Officers 2023/2024 |
Theresa Stubbe, President Jennifer Loucks, Vice President Laurel Loucks, Secretary Martha Luckey, Treasurer |
The Marathon County 4-H Leaders’ Federation, with the help of the UW-Extension, support the 4-H program. All leaders and interested parents belong to the Federation. It is responsible for carrying out organized learning experiences for 4-H members and for making improvements in the 4-H program. Representatives from the four districts are added to the Federation each Fall at the Fall District Meeting, and serve a three year term. Youth in grades 8th and above are eligible to serve on the board. Youth serve a one year term. Leaders’ Federation usually meets the first Tuesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, November).
The Executive Board is made up of members of the Federation who are elected at the September Meeting. Positions include the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, they are responsible for:
- The Marathon County 4-H program and the welfare of its leaders and members.
- Adopting a budget for the Marathon County Leaders’ Federation which supports 4-H activities.
- Determining the agenda for the Leaders’ Federation meetings.
By-laws of the Marathon County 4-H Leaders’ Federation, Inc. of Wisconsin (PDF, 18 KB)
Marathon County 4-H Grievance Policy (PDF, 19 KB)
Leaders’ Federation Mission Statement
The Marathon County 4-H Leaders’ Federation pledges to:
- Provide opportunities for educational, leadership training, and social activities.
- Accept the responsibility to provide programs that will develop healthy and knowledgeable individuals who will become effective leaders in our community.
- Work together through responsible leadership, goal setting, open communication, and functioning committees to produce a strong 4-H program for all youth and adults enrolled in the 4-H program.
Leaders’ Federation Meetings
This is a rough draft of the Marathon County 4-H Handbook and Policies.
- By-laws Club Tallies (PDF, 8 KB)
- Change Recommendations (PDF, 8 KB)
- Chart For Trips – Awards (PDF, 10 KB)
- Grievance Policy (PDF, 18 KB)
- Policy – Handbook (PDF, 73 KB)
Leaders Federation Funding Guidelines