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4-H Trips & Recognition Awards
Let’s celebrate all 4-H Youth and Volunteers in Marathon County. Scroll through this page to learn more about travel scholarships and member recognition. If you have questions, contact the 4-H Office at 715-261-1231.
Due Dates:
- All travel applications applications are due by October 28th (Fall) or February 24th (Spring)
- Memeber and Leader recognition due by September 30th.
- College Scholarships due April 1st.
- All must be submitted to: UW Extension: 4-H Awards Committee, 212 River Drive, Suite 3, Wausau, WI 54403-5476.
College Scholarships
Due: April 1st
Submit to holly.luerssen@wisc.edu
4-H Leaders’ Federation Scholarship – The 4-H Leader’s Federation offers up to five scholarships to assist and encourage Marathon County 4-H members to pursue a higher education at a college or technical institute. To apply, any person must have been in a Marathon County 4-H for five (5) years, a full-time under-graduate student entering at least their second year of college. They must have completed at least 24 college credits and carry a college GPA of 2.5 or better. To apply for the scholarship, submit a cover letter and resume by April 1st.

Trip Applicants: Successful applicatants will receive 50-75% travel scholarships from the Marathon County 4-H Leaders Federation.
Application and it’s pieces are due Oct 28th. Find information on individual trips below. Use this link to apply https://bit.ly/4HTravelApp24
Individual 4-H Trips
Youth enroll for 4-H Trips directly through wi.4honline.com. County approval is only required if the youth desires a scholarship to attend. To receive a scholarship from the Marathon County 4-H Leaders Federation, the application process and a County interview are required. If possible, please make use of the downloadable/fillable forms. Otherwise, please write legibly.
Summer Academy (former Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference) – Approximately 300 youth, grades 7 – 10, attend this educational event in Madison each summer. Participants take part in educational seminars and assemblies, meeting people from across Wisconsin. They are encouraged to take what they learn and share it with others in their home community. Youth have the opportunity to attend this conference more than once, but must apply to attend this conference each time. To apply, complete the Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference Event Registration form on wi.4honline.com. The registration period is coming soon(Spring 2025). Watch for enrollment details.
Your Cost: $200/100 Approximate Trip Fee: $400
Space Camp – Youth in grades 6 – 8 may apply for this trip. This conference is usually held in April, in Huntsville, Alabama. Delegates participate in hands-on mock space missions and other activities in this NASA program while exchanging ideas with youth from across Wisconsin. To apply for the trip, complete the Space Camp Event Registration form on wi.4honline.com. The final cost of the trip will be shared when available. The registration period is coming soon(Winter 2024/25). Watch for enrollment details.
Your Cost: $500/250 Approximate Cost: $1000
Citizenship Washington Focus – Approximately 200 Wisconsin 4-H Youth are selected to attend this leadership program held at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. Participants learn the importance of civic and social responsibilities as they relate to the development of better citizens and leaders. The week consists of participatory workshops, speakers, committee work, field trips and social events. Up to five youth, 10th – 12th grades, may be selected for this nine-day bus trip. To apply, complete the Citzenship Washington Focus Event Registration form on wi.4honline.com. The registration period typically is open in early February each year. The registration period is coming soon (Winter 2023/24). Watch for enrollment details.
Your Cost: $1100/$550 Approximate Trip Fee: $2200
Not currently available. National 4-H Congress – Youth are selected to attend this youth leadership conference in Atlanta, GA. Delegates participate in self-development seminars, tours, and a service project, while exchanging ideas with youth from across the country. Members in grades 10–12 may apply. Complete the application process to apply. A required County interview will be scheduled later. The cost of the trip will be shared with the Marathon County Leaders’ Federation. Watch for enrollment details June/July 2025 for the Nov 2024 trip.
Your Cost: $800/400 Approximate Trip Fee: $1600
National 4-H Conference – Six youth are selected to attend this working conference held at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. Each participant selects an issue and works with other youth from across the country to develop plans that help direct future 4-H programming across the United States. Delegates spend the majority of time contributing to stimulating, task-oriented groups. One day is spent on Capitol Hill, meeting with legislators and touring. Members in grades 10 – 12 may apply. Complete the application process to apply. These must be submitted by October 15. A required County interview will be scheduled later. The selected youth are then recommended to State Level from where the youth are selected. Cost of trip is shared with Marathon County Leaders Federation. The registration period is coming soon (Winter 2024/25). Watch for enrollment details.
Your Cost: $1000/500 Approximate Trip Fee: $2000
American Spirit East -Experience history & heritage by immersing in a 10-day bus journey to the East Coast and Canada — Youth-led content throughout the experience — Increase knowledge of American history while experiencing where it occurred — Dynamic exposure to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives of the foundation of our nation. The registration period is coming soon (Winter 2024/25). Watch for enrollment details.
Your Cost: $800/400 Approximate Trip Fee: $1600
Advanced Space Academy happens every other year and it explores college and career preparation through an immersive experience in science, technology, engineering and math. Trainees undergo a variety of astronaut training exercises, engineering challenges, and team building activities, all culminating in an extended duration simulated space mission. Activities include: high/low ropes course, simulators, Russian language lessons, SCUBA diving instruction, fighter jet simulators, advanced rocketry, and more! Youth who participate will earn one credit hour of freshman level general science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in this college accredited program.
Your Cost: $1250/625 Approximate Trip Fee: $2500

Annual 4-H Recognition Celebration – Awards Information
The Annual Leader-Member Recognition Celebration in the fall celebrates the accomplishments and honors of various 4-H Clubs, Members, and Volunteers. The forms for application for these awards are on the website Forms and Applications page in the “Trips and Awards” section.
The following forms and club books are due in the 4-H office by September 30th.
**4-H Club Awards:
Scrapbook – Club Scrapbooks are recognized for the neat, accurate, and eye-appealing information collected and stored during the year of the club’s activities and events.
Secretary’s Book – Club Secretaries are recognized for the neat and accurate completion of the Secretary’s Book. The entire book is to be submitted.
Marathon County 4-H Community Service Project Award Form – The website form is be completed for each Community Service project done during the past year. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards are awarded for clubs in the Small, Medium, or Large Club divisions.
**4-H County Awards for Leaders/Volunteers:
Adult awards are selected from nominations from the clubs, using the Adult Award Nomination form submitted by October 15.
Friend of 4-H Award (Volunteer of the Year) – Recognizes non 4-H volunteer or business from the community who supports 4-H for the past year. They are selected through people who are nominated from people from the clubs.
Clover Power Plus Award – The Clover Power Plus Award is awarded each year to recognize adult 4-H volunteer(s) who reach youth from multiple clubs or county basis. They are selected through people who are nominated from people from the clubs.
C.J. McAleavy Award – Recognizes dedication to the Marathon County 4-H program on a club and county-wide level. The C.J. McAleavy Award is given to a 4-H leader who has contributed a great deal to the local and county program over a considerable period of time. They are selected through people who are nominated from people from the clubs.
***4-H County Awards / Opportunities for Youth Members:
4-H Leaders’ Federation Scholarship – The 4-H Leader’s Federation offers up to five scholarships to assist and encourage Marathon County 4-H members to pursue a higher education at a college or technical institute. To apply, any person must have been in a Marathon County 4-H for five (5) years, a full-time under-graduate student entering at least their second year of college. They must have completed at least 24 college credits and carry a college GPA of 2.5 or better. To apply for the scholarship, submit a cover letter and resume by October 25.
Achievement Awards – Recognition for overall achievement on a project, club, or country basis. This award is for youth enrolling in 7th – 9th grade. To be considered youth must fill out the form. Youth are selected on the basis of the information on the form by the committee.
Camp Counselor – Youth in 8th grade or older may apply to be a counselor at Junior Camp. Youth in 10th grade or older may apply to be a counselor at Camp Upham. Youth learn leadership skills and are responsible for planning and teaching camp activities. Camp Counselor Application form is required and can be found on line. Form is typically available in early January.
I.J. Corey Award – The family of Mr. I.J. Corey developed an award to recognize outstanding 4-H Dairy Exhibitors. The I.J. Corey Award recognizes an individual for their showmanship and project accomplishments. They are selected through an application and interview process during the Wisconsin Valley Fair.
Project Awards – Recognition for achievement in all project areas. One “senior” for youth in grades 9 – 13, one intermediate for youth in grades 6 – 8, and one “junior” for youth in grades 3 – 5 award is available in each project area. Youth may receive only one award in each level of each project award in their 4-H work. Members can only apply for a total of 3 project awards per year and can only receive a total of 2 project awards per year. Completion of the Project Award form is required and due September 30th.
Project Award/Cloverbuds – Cloverbuds are recognized for their project work by submitting their project books by October 15.
Project Award/Explorers – Explorers are recognized for the project work by submitting their project books by October 15.
Rank Awards – Recognizes overall 4-H participation. Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels may be achieved; however youth may only attain each level once, in a sequential order and only one rank a year. Appropriate pins are issued to recipients. Any member may apply, including Cloverbuds. Completion of the Rank Award form is required by September 30th.
Wisconsin 4-H Key Award – The Key Award is considered the highest member achievement in 4-H. Recipients are recognized for their contributions on the club, county, and state levels and for their leadership in the 4-H program. To apply for the award, complete the application process. Form is due September 30th.